Brampton Primary School

Life at Brampton Primary School Life at Brampton Primary School Life at Brampton Primary School Life at Brampton Primary School


At Brampton Primary School our ethos is ‘Different abilities not disabilities’ and together we strive for each child to be the best that they can be.   

Roles and Responsibilities

Mrs Vallance (SENCO)

As Special Educational Needs Coodinator (SENCO) I coordinate all the specific provision that is put in place to support Mainstream pupils with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

Mrs Weightman (Rainbow Room Leader)

As Leader of the Rainbow Room (Enhanced Resources of pupils with ASD), I coordinate all the specific provisions that is put in place to support pupils in the Rainbow Room.   

We are both responsible for:

-          Writing an implementing the Special Education Needs Policy

-          We liaise with class teachers and teaching assistants and together we monitor pupils progress through termly reviews.

-          Coordinating a range of interventions to support children’s needs.

-          Where appropriate, implementing personal plans for individual children which are reviewed termly with parents and the child.

-          We liaise with a range of outside agencies who can give us more specialised advice and support

-          Writing referrals for additional support and an assessment for an Educational and Health Care Plan.



In line with the new SEND Code of Practice, our school has high aspiration of all our children, regardless of need or ability.  Through a focus on: person-centred values; parental engagement; collaboration with professionals and provision led by outcomes, we hope that our children will achieve their full potential and become more independent learners.   For detailed information on the schools policies and practices for SEND please click on the link here SEN Policy 2022



In addition to our mainstream classrooms, Brampton Primary also has an Enhanced Resource Facility for pupils with Autism. 

The Autism Base (Rainbow Room) at Brampton Primary School was set up in September 2001, by Derbyshire County Council’s Local Education Authority, as a provision for primary-aged pupils with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). 

At Brampton, we support pupils with ASD for whom it is not possible to meet their needs through an ordinary placement in a mainstream primary school. In the Rainbow Room our children can receive both specialist teaching as well as ‘step-by-step’, supported inclusion into the mainstream school.

At Brampton Primary School we aim to:

• View each child with ASD as an individual with specific needs.

• Provide a calm, ‘ASD friendly’ environment which allows each child the best possible opportunity for learning and enjoying school life.

• Respect and work with the autistic characteristics of each child, recognising them as part of the personality of the child. We see these characteristics as differences, rather than impediments.

• Use strategies with pupils which enhance their communication, socialisation, independent skills and flexibility.

• Maximise the involvement of parents, carers and families in their child’s development at school.

• Provide opportunities for each child’s inclusion in mainstream school.



If you have any concerns about any SEND matter or would like any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Vallance or Mrs Weightman. 

Alternatively, you might like to contact our SEND governor, Sharon Davis who is always willing to listen and offer a helping hand.

Parents can also access information on provision in Derbyshire for young people and families with SEND through The Local Offer.    Please click on the link to access this website.

Derbyshire Local Offer



 What is SEND and what types of SEND are provided for at Brampton?

A child with SEND has needs that are different from and/or additional to their classmates.

There are 4 broad areas of SEND:

  1. Communication and Interaction (Speech and Language)
  2. Cognitive and Learning (A child’s ability to understand and learn)
  3. Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  4. Sensory and Physical

At Brampton, we are able to provide for children with needs in all of the above areas.


How are children with SEND identified and supported?

All pupils’ progress and attainment is monitored on a termly basis by class teachers. Where a child is making less than expected progress their needs will be met through a graduated response.

Click here to look at our Graduated Response Flowchart:

 What should a parent do if they think their child has SEND? 

If a parent has concerns about their child they can contact the following:  their child’s class teacher, the SENCO, Rainbow Room Leader or the Deputy Head teacher or Head teacher.


What different types of support are available for children with SEND?

There is a range of support available that school can offer a child with SEND.  These include:

-         Teaching Assistant Support

-         Specialist Resources

-         A full range of interventions

-         Positive Play

-         Nurture provision

-         Focused learning groups

-         Interventions from Outside Agencies


Who are the other people providing services to children with SEND in school?

Most frequently used outside agencies are:

-          School Support Service for Special Educational Needs (SSSEN)

-           Educational Psychologist

-          Speech and Language

-          Behaviour Support

-          Autism Outreach

-          Physiotherapy

-          Occupational Therapy

-          School Support Service for Visual Impairment (SSSVI)

-          School Support Service for Hearing Impairment (SSSHI)

-          School Support Service for Physical Impairment (SSSPI)

 For more information on these services and others, see The Local Offer website which can be accessed by clicking on the link below.

The Derbyshire Information, Advice and Support Service is a service there for parents of pupils with SEND.   They provide free, confidential and impartial  information on issue relating to Education and Health and Social care. We have leaflets in school with more information or their website is: 

How are parents involved in discussions and planning for a child with SEND?

As with all children at Brampton Primary School, parents are invited two Target Day meetings with their child’s class teacher and receive a written report at the end of the year.  In addition to this, for children with SEND and who are identified on the school’s register, there will three Personal Plan review meetings each year. For a child who has a statement or Education and Health Care Plan, there will be a yearly Annual Review (every six months if they are in Foundation Stage).


How accessible is the school environment?

The school building has been upgraded and modified to accommodate people with a variety of needs.  It is has wheelchair access throughout and there is a disabled toilet in both the infants and juniors (with the infant one having a hoist).  Handrails have been fitted on all steps leading on and off the playground and along the corridors.  Adaptations have been made by the SSSVI to support those children and visitors with visual needs. 

We aim to keep corridors free of obstacles and where possible, create a low-sensory environment for our children with sensory needs.   


How are children supported in order to access activities outside the classroom?

We aim for all children, regardless of need or ability to access all activities that take place outside of the classroom such as:

-         Educational Visits

-         Residential

-         Sports Activities

-         School Celebrations

-         Social events

We achieve this through the flexibility and dedication of our staff and our friendly and open relationships with parents.