Children can choose to have a hot school meal or bring a packed lunch to school.Our school meals are cooked on site Please visit My School Lunch menu from the Derbyshire County Council website and select Family Dining.
Children may choose to have a hot school meal every day, or on any day they like, from what is on the menu. If your child requires a vegetarian meal, please order through the school office at the start of the school week.
£3.25 per day
£16.25 per week
Payments should be made via Parent Pay. If you require a Paypoint card of support with Parent Pay, please contact the school office, who will be happy to discuss the matter. Please see attached our Dinner Money policy. /docs/Dinner_Money_Policy_2017_docx.pdf
All pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to Universal Infant Free school meals.
Free School Meals for Junior School Pupils
Free school meals are also available to junior school pupils whose parent(s)/guardian(s) are in receipt of any of the following benefits:
- - Income Support.
- - Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance.
- - The guarantee element of State Pension Credit.
- - Child Tax Credit (with an annual family income of less that £16,190).
Those claiming Working Tax Credit are NOT eligible for free school meals.
To apply for free school meals for junior school pupils:
- - go to www.derbyshire.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals and complete the form online.
- - download an application form or ask at the school office for an application form.
Forms brought to the school office will be sent to Derbyshire County Council. Once confirmation of eligibility is received your child will be able to receive free school meals.
If you have any queries please contact the school office or ring Derbyshire County Council, Free School Meals Department on 01629 585481 or 01629 585475.