Brampton Primary School

Life at Brampton Primary School Life at Brampton Primary School Life at Brampton Primary School Life at Brampton Primary School


Our Whole School Approach​

​The PSHE curriculum is based around the Derbyshire County Council’s ‘PSHE Matters’ framework and is implemented on a two year cycle A and B, with EYFS covering the same units each year with their new children.​

This academic year 2024/2025 is cycle B.​

We also include 'Special Days' to supplement the children's learning, including: RSE Day, Children in Need, Anti-Bullying Day and Internet Safety. Each year we teach the whole school about 'Consent' and understanding what this means. In addition to PSHE lessons, we teach through assemblies and Picture news. These cover  the '9 Protected characteristics' and 'British Values'.


​It is our intent at Brampton to provide a stable and informative understanding of emotions, knowledge and understanding  of our ever changing world. We encourage children to have confidence in their own thoughts and believe that anything is possible if they put their mind to it. We promote respect and tolerance for those who choose to live their lives differently to others. Having the ability to stay safe and healthy is a high priority and children are equipped to make informed decisions.​

Our PSHE curriculum equips children with relevant and meaningful content, which is supported through a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health.


​Our whole curriculum is shaped by our school vision which aims to enable all children, regardless of background, ability and additional needs to be the best that they can be.​

Each half term throughout EYFS to KS2, we all teach the same unit as outlined in our overview. The units are also taught to coincide with events throughout the calendar so there is extra emphasis and resources available to marry with PSHE Matters.​

We celebrate RSE day each year as a whole school, and create a whole class display from the collaboration of the children's work. ​

We adapt the PSHE Matters scheme to reflect the needs of the children in our individual classrooms.​

We teach the National Curriculum, supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. ​

We are developing a bank of children’s reading books, which teachers are informed of for each unit, to assist with teaching PSHE curriculum in a child friendly way. This library of books will also be accessible for teachers whose children may need an intervention to target specific areas personal to single children in the school. Flexibility to individual children or circumstances is important at Brampton. PSHE as well as being taught weekly is ongoing and adaptable to where and when our children need the support and help necessary to feel safe and confident.


We firmly believe that a meaningful PSHE curriculum is the key to children becoming confident, tolerant and well-rounded adults. Children at Brampton have a wealth of real-life situations which we try to ensure that children can process. We believe in equipping the children with strategies to help with their mental health and emotions plus the ability to apply skills to help navigate themselves through modern life. From exposure to a range of global issues and problems, children can build up tolerance and a sense of responsibility of being a global citizen. From engagement with a variety of difference and diversity text combined with discussions, children can understand the different lifestyles that people may live. This will teach them to be respectful and tolerant towards those leading different lives to themselves.