Brampton Primary School

Life at Brampton Primary School Life at Brampton Primary School Life at Brampton Primary School Life at Brampton Primary School



  • Provide a broad, balanced, challenging and enjoyable curriculum for all pupils.
  • Develop pupil’s computational thinking skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.
  • Meet the requirements of the national curriculum programmes of study for computing at Key Stage 1 and 2.
  • To respond to new developments in technology.
  • To equip pupils with the confidence and skills to use digital tools and technologies throughout their lives.
  • To enhance and enrich learning in other areas of the curriculum using IT and computing.
  • To develop the understanding of how to use computers and digital tools safely an responsibly.



At Brampton Primary School we are following the Teach Computing for Primary schools - the whole-school scheme of work for Year 1 to Year 6 pupils. Teach Computing fully meets the objectives of the National Curriculum for Computing and allows for clear progression in computing. We also support this scheme by using purple mash to further develop pupil’s knowledge within computing and IT.

Through the use of high-quality teaching and high-quality resources pupils will develop their knowledge and computational thinking in areas such as Networks, Creating media, Data & Information, Design & Development, Computing Systems, Impact of Technology, Algorithms, Programming, Effective Use of tools and Safety & Security.


  • Develop their computational thinking skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.
  • Develop the ability to respond to new developments in technology.
  • Develop the ability to use digital tools and technologies throughout their lives on a daily basis.
  • Develop understanding of how to use computers and digital tools safely an responsibly.
  • Develop a passion, enjoyment and interest for IT and computing.